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Helping individuals in Utah Recover from Addition

Mission Statement

Our wraparound services are set up to nurture relationships. The opposite of addiction is connection.

Treatment Philosophy

“It does not matter so much what happens inside an individual. What matters is what happens between them.”
Harry Stack Sullivan “The Interpersonal Theory of Psychiatry”
At 7th Street Treatment we develop group dynamics that process unresolved emotional issues and behavioral patterns that have contributed to a client’s addiction, and implement interventions and coping strategies specifically geared towards the individual client

Outcomes for Clients:

  • Overcome relational barriers
  • Practice emotional regulation and healthy coping skills
  • Discover ways of positive interaction with the world
  • Learn to be gentle with self
  • Gain self-worth through their value to the group
  • Recognize that their contributions matter; that THEY matter
  • Leave treatment carrying a strong dedication to recovery


Environment plays a key role in the healing process. The 7th street program offers a comfortable home that supports development of self-worth and the motivation to build a better life.

7th Street provides a safe space for group interactions and after hours community time. Common areas include a living/group room, and a large kitchen.

The bedrooms are spacious and comfortable. Each dorm area has two bathrooms, with the women’s dorm having an additional shower and vanity area.

The building is centrally located and sits on a half acre of lovely grounds, providing a sense of privacy and quiet.

Treatment Program

“What are we here to teach these guys? Discipline.” Mike Ray
7th Street is a dual-diagnosis therapeutic community. We conduct a holistically based assessment, to identify target areas of treatment for the whole being (mind, body, spirit, social, environment.)

The therapeutic community model allows us to observe areas in which the client is lacking, and to tailor our services to offer development in these particular areas