Coming Out Of Addiction Can Be A Traumatic Experience

For an addict – entering a treatment facility can be a traumatic experience. Some have been court ordered to attend and their minds may be filled with resentment over having to go. Sometimes family or loved-ones may have intervened, and that can lead to rocky relationships. When checking into a treatment facility, the fear of the unknown can cause anxiety. Anxious thoughts often surface when an individual is confronted with something they have previously done everything in their power to avoid.
For many, the denial of a drug addiction may create thoughts like, “What is a doctor or therapist, or clinician going to tell me? These people have no idea what I’m going through or what I’ve been through?”
At 7th Street Treatment Facility, the staff has been through and seen, what addicts in recovery experience all the time.
They understand because they’ve been through, or witnessed first-hand, the traumatic experiences which addicts have to deal with daily.
When Michael Ray, Executive Director of the 7th Street Treatment facility was asked why it was important to have staff members who have this experience he said,
“We have found this to be an asset in developing strong therapeutic relationships with our clients, which is the greatest determinant of treatment retention and success,”
Ray goes on to say that his staff knows what it takes to walk through the treatment process,
“Because we’ve experienced it.”
“We are committed to the healing of our clients and devoted to helping them achieve the freedom and happiness that awaits them in recovery.”
Taking the first steps towards a sober life by checking-in to a treatment center can be scary. It makes sense to start this process with someone who has been through it themselves. Connect now with one of our staff members who will do everything in their power to understand where you are coming from and what you can do to find a different path.